Outermost Covering Of The Brain
- Answered by: Yogita Due south. from Agra
Dura mater is a outermost covering of encephalon because information technology is thick and tough
- Answered by:
iii covering layer of brain from outer to inner:
outermost is dura matter which is dense irregular connective tissue and underlying to bone of skull.
heart is archenoid ehich is thick , tough.
innermost is pia mater....
- Answered by: Abhirup G. from Kolkata
Tere are 3 layers of meninges effectually the brain and spinal string:
Outer layer: Dura mater
Center layer Arachnoid
Inner layer: Pia mater
Te outermost layer , Dura mater, is tough, white fibrous connevtive tissue
- Answered past: P J. from Hyderabad
ane. The meninges are the iii membranes that envelop the encephalon and spinal cord and separate them from the walls of their bony cases.
2. The cranial and spinal meninges are continuous with each other and consist of the aforementioned 3 meningeal layers.
- Dura mater
- Arachnoid mater
- Pia mater
3. The dura mater is the outermost meningeal layer of brain consisting of dense irregular connective tissue, lying directly underneath the bones of the skull
4. Information technology is thick, tough and inextensible.
5. The brain and spinal string are protected confronting direct penetration of infection by the skeletal encasement and by the dura mater; the dura is near impermeable to inflammatory processes.
- Answered by: Vrata B. from Delhi
The outermost layer of Brain is Dura Mater. 2d layer is Arachnoid Mater. Third layer is Pia Mater. Function:- Provide supportive framework for Cognitive and Cranial Vasculature.
- Answered by: Anonymous from Delhi
- Answered past: Amit S. from Patiala
The brain has iii coverings (chosen meninges). The otermost covering is duramater, followed by arachnoid membrane and the inner nearly covering is piamater.
- Answered by:
The outer most covering layer of brain is duramater which is white fibrous connective tissue
- Answered by: Aasma G. from Jaipur
Outer nearly layer of brain is duramater.
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Outermost Covering Of The Brain,
Source: https://www.learnpick.in/questions/details/56702/the-outer-most-covering-layer-of-the-brain
Posted by: welchtharme.blogspot.com
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