
How Do You Make A Blacksmith In Minecraft

Minecraft Dungeons Blacksmith
Minecraft Dungeons Blacksmith (Image credit: Windows Central)

Do you have a favorite weapon or suit of armor in Minecraft Dungeons that you absolutely love, just just tin't cut it anymore at higher difficulties? Well, a new change made with the Creeping Winter DLC will likely brand you very happy: the Blacksmith has a new task description. Instead of selling completely random pieces of gear to players in exchange for emeralds (there's another new vendor who has taken on this office), you lot can now upgrade your existing gear. In this Minecraft Dungeons guide, we'll be going over one of the five new vendors in the game, the Blacksmith.

Here's how to employ the new Blacksmith vendor in Minecraft Dungeons:

  • What is the Blacksmith?
  • How practice I utilize the Blacksmith?
  • How exercise I upgrade the Blacksmith?

What is the Blacksmith in Minecraft Dungeons?

Minecraft Dungeons Blacksmith

Source: Windows Fundamental (Image credit: Source: Windows Central)

The Blacksmith is one of v new vendors added to Minecraft Dungeons in a recent update, alongside the new Luxury Merchant that deals in exclusive, loftier-terminate products. The Blacksmith differs from most of the other vendors, still, in that they won't sell you lot any new equipment, but they will make your existing gear even better. If you accept powerful and rare Uniques that simply isn't a high plenty level for y'all anymore, or yous plant a piece of gear with the perfect enchantments, or any other reason why yous cull non to use certain items, the Blacksmith may be for yous.

In exchange for your hard-earned emeralds, the Blacksmith volition upgrade any of your gear to more advisable power levels. The Blacksmith does this based on the recommended difficulty of your game, then there is a limit to this. This means you don't have to leave behind gear anymore, or constantly scrap rare and powerful equipment but considering it's too weak to stand up to more difficult baddies. If y'all've saved up some emeralds, you tin just upgrade information technology instead. In that location is a catch, still, and it'due south that the Blacksmith tin't upgrade your gear instantly. Allow'south talk more most how to employ the Blacksmith.

How do I use the Blacksmith in Minecraft Dungeons?

Minecraft Dungeons Blacksmith

Source: Windows Central (Image credit: Source: Windows Fundamental)

Using the Blacksmith is very straightforward, but in that location are 3 essential rules that the Blacksmith will lay out for yous the first fourth dimension you ever apply it. Those rules are:

  • Upgrading an detail volition instantly return whatsoever invested enchantment points
  • Upgrading an item takes three completed missions to cease
  • Upgrading an detail re-rolls the power level based on your recommended difficulty

Let's tackle each rule real quick. The first rule means that any enchantments you've spent points on on the item you wish to upgrade will be reset, and those enchantment points volition be returned to you lot. Once yous take the item back, y'all tin can reinvest those enchantment points in the same mode, mix things upward, or use them on a unlike particular. The choice is up to you.

The second rule means the Blacksmith won't upgrade your gear immediately. You'll accept to go out and complete a total of 3 missions of your option (a successful completion, mind y'all), and so you lot'll get your gear returned to you in its new, more than powerful form. This encourages you to experiment with your load-outs and endeavour out new gear while yous're waiting for Old Faithful to return from the store. This also means you should be cautious, as y'all don't want to accidentally leave yourself stranded without a decent load-out or the emeralds to purchase one.

Finally, the third rule states the purpose of the Blacksmith: re-rolling the ability and stats of the item y'all're upgrading to around your recommended difficulty. This means at the highest difficulty levels, yous're looking at around 110 to 115, requite or take a few levels. Continue this in mind when you're upgrading: using the Blacksmith doesn't guarantee a higher level; it just re-rolls the detail to your recommended difficulty. If an particular is already at that power level, information technology may not grow stronger at all.

At present we can talk almost using the Blacksmith:

Minecraft Dungeons Blacksmith (Epitome credit: Windows Key)

Minecraft Dungeons Blacksmith (Image credit: Windows Fundamental)

Source: Windows Central

To upgrade an particular, you'll demand to roll down to view the list of available gear. Keep in listen, this won't show equipped gear, so if y'all desire to upgrade something you're actively using, you'll need to unequip it showtime. The list organizes it by power level, but it puts gear that already has enchantment points invested near the bottom, so you can find those in a split place if y'all desire. Once you lot've located the gear you wish to upgrade, you'll see the cost in emeralds downwardly at the bottom.

Take the money and wish to beat out it out? Hold downwardly the corresponding button ("A" on an Xbox controller), and the Blacksmith well get to piece of work! Keep in mind in that location's no confirmation prompt, simply holding downward the button. As well, once you've chosen to upgrade something, you tin't cancel or undo it and must consummate the three missions to get that detail back, so make certain you want to / can upgrade something before going through with information technology.

Once y'all've called the detail you desire to upgrade, go out and keep playing! You can cheque dorsum in with the Blacksmith to see your progress, or simply go alee and complete 3 missions, then stop past to get your gear back in its newly upgraded glory.

That said, you can too cull to upgrade multiple items at the aforementioned time through the Blacksmith, saving yourself fourth dimension, if not emeralds.

Minecraft Dungeons Blacksmith

Source: Windows Central (Epitome credit: Source: Windows Primal)

To upgrade multiple items through the Blacksmith, yous only need to navigate to the second or tertiary slot along the superlative of the screen, and and then become through the same process as the first slot. Each slot tracks its ain mission completions, but one mission completion can rails for all slots at the same time. That means if y'all upgrade three items at the same time, then complete 3 missions, all iii items will be ready for you. But if you lot upgrade i detail, play a mission, then upgrade a second item, the first slot will show one completed mission, and the second slot volition testify aught completed missions.

How do I upgrade the Blacksmith in Minecraft Dungeons?

Minecraft Dungeons Blacksmith

Source: Windows Central (Epitome credit: Source: Windows Cardinal)

Before you showtime request questions almost upgrading the Blacksmith to upgrade your equipment faster or be able to take on more projects at one time, the Blacksmith doesn't really have any upgrade paths. Different other vendors, which typically expand their inventory whenever you complete special contracts for them, the Blacksmith has their three-at-once deal, and that'due south it. There are no unique missions to complete for them.

In the Blacksmith's electric current class, this isn't that big of a bargain. Iii projects at once should be more than enough, especially since yous really shouldn't take to continuously upgrade gear over and over again. All the same, if the Blacksmith always gained new abilities (for instance, re-rolling enchantments on an item), then information technology could make sense for the Blacksmith to add together some missions to unlock this functionality. As information technology stands right now, you lot go what you go.

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Zachary Boddy is the Minecraft Good and a News Writer for Windows Central, Android Cardinal, and iMore. They accept been gaming and writing for most of their life, and have been freelancing for Windows Fundamental and its sister sites since 2019, with a focus on Xbox and PC gaming. You can find Zachary on Twitter @BoddyZachary.

How Do You Make A Blacksmith In Minecraft,


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