
Which Of The Following Is Associated With Behavioral And Learning Problems In School-aged Children

Your chances of knowing someone with learning disabilities are very good. Did you know?

Group of people of various ages and ethnicities
  • ii.3 million students are diagnosed with specific learning disabilities (SLD) and receive services nether IDEA. This represents 35% of all students receiving special education services.*
  • 75% – lxxx% of special education students identified as LD have their basic deficits in linguistic communication and reading***
  • 60% of adults with severe literacy problems take undetected or untreated learning disabilities**

Children with learning disabilities begin school expecting to learn and be successful. If your child is having difficulty in school, she may learn differently from other kids. Parents are often the first to observe that "something doesn't seem correct." But sometimes knowing what to do and where to detect help tin can exist confusing.

Children abound upwards to be adults and unfortunately learning disabilities cannot exist cured or fixed; it'due south a life long issue.  And some individuals don't realize they have learning disabilities until they are adults.  With the correct support and interventions, however, children and adults with learning disabilities tin can succeed in school and life.  Recognizing, accepting and agreement your learning disability are the first steps to success.

Defining Learning Disabilities

Learning disabilities are due to genetic and/or neurobiological factors that alter brain functioning in a manner which affects ane or more cognitive processes related to learning. The majority of children K-12 who receive special didactics are served under the specific learning disability (SLD) category. Approximately eighty% of those children take an SLD in reading.

Learning disabilities range in severity and may interfere with the acquisition and development of ane or more of the following:

  • oral language (e.g., listening, speaking, understanding);
  • reading (eastward.g., phonetic noesis, decoding, reading fluency, give-and-take recognition, and comprehension);
  • written language (e.1000., spelling, writing fluency, and written expression); and
  • mathematics (due east.g., number sense, ciphering, math fact fluency, and problem solving).

Learning disabilities oft run in families. They should not be confused with other disabilities such as intellectual disabilities, autism, deafness, blindness, and behavioral disorders. None of these conditions are learning disabilities. Considering learning disabilities cannot be seen, they often go undetected. Recognizing a learning disability is even more difficult because the severity and characteristics vary.

Parents can help children with learning disabilities achieve success past encouraging their strengths, knowing their weaknesses, understanding the educational system, working with professionals and learning about strategies for dealing with specific difficulties.

Most importantly, if y'all suspect y'all or your child has a learning problem, don't filibuster in seeking aid and taking action!

Learning Disabilities

  • Dyscalculia

    A specific learning disability that affects a person's power to understand numbers and learn math facts.

  • Dysgraphia

    A specific learning disability that affects a person'due south handwriting ability and fine motor skills.

  • Dyslexia

    A specific learning disability that affects reading and related language-based processing skills.

  • Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities

    Has problem interpreting nonverbal cues like facial expressions or body language and may have poor coordination.

  • Oral / Written Linguistic communication Disorder and Specific Reading Comprehension Deficit

    Learning disabilities that affect an individual's understanding of what they read or of spoken language. The ability to express one's cocky with oral language may also be impacted.

Related Disorders

  • ADHD

    A disorder that includes difficulty staying focused and paying attention, controlling behavior and hyperactivity.

  • Dyspraxia

    A disorder which causes problems with movement and coordination, language and speech.

  • Executive Performance

    Affects, planning, organization, strategizing, attending to details and managing fourth dimension and space.

Don't Delay

If you suspect that your child'southward learning difficulties may crave special assistance, please do not delay in finding data and back up. The sooner yous move frontward the ameliorate your kid's chances for reaching his full potential.

Maybe you take wondered if you are overreacting, or if the state of affairs will piece of work itself out over time. The truth is, you know your child better than anybody else. And regardless of who may tell yous that it'southward a "phase" or "nothing to worry most," only you know how much your child dreads Monday forenoon. Y'all have watched the bear on of his daily struggles on his cocky-confidence. Deep down, you know something isn't right.

The good news is there are things yous can practice. In fact, the simply "incorrect" affair to do is to do zero. If you wait to seek aid for your kid, frustration and a sense of failure will go on to erode your child'due south cocky-esteem, while the window of time for meaningful intervention narrows.

Since you are one of the best observers of your kid's development, you lot volition exist able to recognize potential issues early on. Just, in order to spot issues early, you'll demand to know the warning signs!

Seeing the Signs

There may be a number of reasons why your child is having a hard time. But what y'all are seeing could too bespeak a learning disability. This does non mean your child is "ho-hum" or less intelligent than your child's peers. Their brain is simply wired differently for learning and your child needs to conform strategies that make the virtually of your kid'southward abilities. The earliest possible intervention is critical to your child's success in school.

Learn to recognize the signs of a potential learning disability. If you take observed several of these signs in your child, consider the possibility of a learning disability.

Information technology is normal for parents to observe 1 of these signs in their children from time to time. But if your child consistently exhibits several of these signs, information technology is important for you to take activity to get him the help that he needs.


Have you noticed that your kid has:

  • pronunciation problems?
  • difficulty finding the right word?
  • difficulty making rhymes?
  • trouble learning numbers, alphabet, days of the calendar week, colors and shapes?
  • trouble concentrating?
  • trouble interacting with peers?
  • difficulty following directions or learning routines?
  • difficulty controlling pencil, crayons, scissors?

Grades G-four

Does your child:

  • have trouble learning the connection between messages and sounds?
  • confuse basic words? (run, eat, want)
  • make consistent reading and spelling errors including alphabetic character reversals (b/d, inversions (thousand/w), transpositions (felt/left), and substitutions (firm/domicile)?
  • experience difficulty learning basic math concepts?
  • accept trouble learning about time?
  • have a long time to learn new skills?
  • have trouble remembering facts?

Grades 5-viii

Is your child having difficulty:

  • with reading comprehension or math skills?
  • with letter sequences? (soiled for solid, left for felt)
  • with prefixes, suffixes, root words and other spelling strategies?
  • organizing his/her bedchamber, notebook, papers, and desk?
  • keeping upwardly with papers or assignments?
  • with handwriting?
  • with time management?
  • agreement oral discussions and expressing thoughts aloud?

High School and Adults

Is your child having difficulty:

  • spelling the same word differently in a single document.
  • taking on reading or writing tasks.
  • with open up-ended questions on tests.
  • with memory skills.
  • adapting skills from i setting to another.
  • with a slow work pace.
  • grasping abstract concepts.
  • focusing on details.
  • misreading information

It is never also early on to seek help for your child, but waiting too long could be very harmful. If you see several of these signs over a flow of fourth dimension, consider the possibility of a learning inability. Knowing what a departure early assistance tin can make will help you lose your fright and take the next steps to getting help for  your kid!

Losing the Fearfulness

Information technology can be hard to acknowledge that your child is having difficulty in schoolhouse let alone a potential learning inability. Perhaps you take worried that by calling attention to your kid'due south learning problems he might be labeled "boring" or a "discipline problem," or sent to the wrong class.

What many parents and their children don't realize is that most kids with learning disabilities are just as intelligent every bit their peers. Their brains are simply wired differently for learning. They need to exist taught in ways that are best adjusted to how they process information.

And, scientists and researchers are learning more every day near learning disabilities. Their research provides promise and management. From research we now know that:

Receiving help in the early grades profoundly improves the chances for these kids to conform learning strategies that will enable them to succeed in school. Amid children who struggle with basic reading and language skills the most mutual learning problems 75% of those who do not receive help until the third grade will struggle with reading throughout their lives. But if those same kids receive appropriate assist by the beginning grade, fully 90% of them will achieve normal reading ability.

By identifying what is causing your kid'south learning problems, you are 1 pace closer to getting the help y'all both need. Your child tin can however accept promise for a wonderful futurity if given the proper tools and learning strategies.

Getting Help

Though the process of getting help may seem overwhelming, finding support for your child and for yourself is easier than you might think. In near cases, talking with your child'south teacher should exist the outset step.

Share your concerns with your kid's teacher and enquire about her observations of your child's performance, interactions with his peers, etc. Together you may come up with strategies to endeavor in the classroom and at home to back up your child's learning needs.

Well-nigh teachers want to assist and will work with you to try and meet your child's learning needs. If y'all feel information technology may be necessary, your child's teacher tin also assistance to arrange a full evaluation of how well your child is performing in school.

Also, be sure your child has had a thorough concrete test by a medical doctor or nurse practitioner to clinch that there are no major health problems that might be interfering with learning. Be especially certain to have eyes and ears checked for correctable vision and hearing problems.

Useful tips when meeting with your child's teacher

  • Write downward whatsoever questions you lot have before entering the meeting. These questions should be geared toward gaining greater understanding of your child's issues and how to address them in the school setting.
  • Review records of previous conferences and educational decisions before attending conferences and exist prepared to share them with school personnel.
  • Be ready to share your observations about your child'southward bookish progress. Listen well and participate in the meeting with an open up mind, knowing that y'all are all in that location to facilitate schoolhouse success for your kid.
  • Keep careful and detailed notes at the meeting. Don't be afraid to ask for clarification if you lot do non empathize something that was said.
  • Ask for information on the curriculum and how students' work is evaluated, then that yous know how to approximate your kid's progress.
  • Appreciate that teachers must juggle the unique needs of many students. Piece of work with schoolhouse personnel to come upwardly with strategies that are practical, given the realities of the schoolhouse and the classroom.
  • Acknowledge that the major motivation for success must come up from your kid. Work with teachers to keep expectations high and to nurture an enthusiasm for learning.
  • Agree on how you lot and the teacher will brand follow-upwards contacts to review progress.

At present that you know the offset step to have, there are several more than steps you lot tin take to find back up and brand sure your child gets the right kind of help!

Take Activity

The most important thing yous must determine is the source of your kid's learning trouble. Time is of the essence if your child does, in fact, have a learning inability, "look and see" almost ever ways "look and neglect." If you act early, you will gain the peace of mind that comes with knowing what is causing your kid's learning difficulties. You lot likewise will be helping to ensure that she overcomes her struggles and enjoys success in school.

In addition to working with your child'due south teacher, hither are additional steps you lot should take:

Collect information on your child'due south performance. Go on notes, copies of your child's assignments, and any correspondence from your child's school regarding your child's functioning in a folder so that you can document any patterns. At the aforementioned time, it is too important to find your child's strengths and interests, encouraging and rewarding your child for the things he does well.

Monitor your child's progress.Watch your kid's progress to be sure that your child's needs are being met. Keep your child'southward education folder up to date, adding new samples of schoolwork and test results. If your child is not making progress, discuss your observations with school personnel and work together to make changes. You may need to ask for a comprehensive educational evaluation to determine if your child may exist eligible for special instruction services.

Larn equally much as you can. The more than yous understand nigh the way your kid learns and the help that's available, the meliorate equipped you lot will be to help your kid succeed. If it turns out that your child does have a learning disability, you also demand to be aware of your rights and protections under the law.

Join with others who care. By joining with other parents and professionals you tin can increase awareness of the consequence, dispel pop misconceptions, help establish educational systems that provide for the needs of children with learning disabilities, and become support for yourself. Locate the LDA Chapter well-nigh you today!

Relish your child and encourage an involvement in learning. You can encourage your kid'due south interests outside the classroom and create a home surround that supports the manner your child learns. Rather than focusing solely on your child'due south deficiencies, emphasize and reward your kid'south strengths.

Visit our Parents expanse for boosted information on how to help your kid and assistance yourself!


* National Middle for Education Statistics
**National Adult Literacy and Learning Disabilities Center
***National Institutes of Health

Which Of The Following Is Associated With Behavioral And Learning Problems In School-aged Children,


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